Sunday, June 1, 2008

Upcoming Appointment

On Thursday, June 5, David and I will be heading to the Stroke Center at UCSF to talk with a neurovascular specialist. It is a 60 minute appointment, and we are not sure exactly what to expect. What we hope is that we will get information about what is yet possible in terms of David's recovery - hoping to hear further improvement is possible. We'd also like to make sure David hasn't missed out on anything he should have been doing (or perhaps can yet do) to maximize his recovery.

We know that people are different in how their bodies respond to health situations and that in medicine not much is absolutely definite, but we do keep hoping that what David was told initially may prove to be true - that he can recover 98% to 99% of his full function. Most of what is yet missing (or problematic) is not visible to others, but he feels and experiences the continuing impact daily in many non-visible ways.

One thing that has been confusing to us throughout this process is the varying "windows" David has been given as to when his chances for continued improvement end; they have varied from as little as 3 months to as much as 2 years (with others - very few - telling us there is a chance he can continue to improve indefinitely). Perhaps it is best not to be given a definitive window, and maybe there is no such thing, but that too is one of the questions we are going to ask. I imagine if there are answers to be had, this is where we will be able to get them, so we are very excited about the week.

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